October 16, 2018
This tutorial is about how to set up an Elastic Beanstalk environment, and how to deploy a Node.js web app in that environment. At last, we will try to configure a high availability environment by setting the minimum instance amount to 2, which is more than easy.
Authorization to create elastic beanstalk app, see Piazza, use your own aws console account rather than the education account.
AWS Tutorial: Deploy a Scalable Node.js Web App
Choose Application code as Sample application
In 5 minutes, Elastic Beanstalk creates the environment with the following resources,
Open the Roles page in the IAM console.
Choose aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role
Attach Policies
Unzip the source file bundle
Open .ebextensions/options.config and change the values of the following settings:
This configures the application to use the nodejs-tutorial table instead of the one created by .ebextensions/create-dynamodb-table.config, and sets the email address that the Amazon SNS topic uses for notifications.
~/nodejs-tutorial$ rm .ebextensions/create-dynamodb-table.config
Written by Warren who studies distributed systems at George Washington University. You might wanna follow him on Github